Yesterday, Justice Mahesh Sonak of the Goa bench of the Bombay High Court highlighted that both social media and mass media have evolved into potent tools of distraction on a massive scale, yet there is a noticeable absence of substantial initiatives aimed at addressing this issue. This observation was made by Justice Sonak during his remarks on a recent Saturday
He said, today, we live in an age where we worship and glorify thinking machines like computers and smartphones. But we are extremely suspicious or even wary of those humans who try to think.
Justice Sonak expressed concern about the potential consequences of relying too heavily on Artificial Intelligence (AI). He acknowledged that AI has its advantages but emphasized that it would be regrettable if we surrendered our capacity to think critically, make intelligent decisions, and exercise empathy to machines or algorithms, no matter how intelligent they may be. Such a scenario, he noted, would lead to a sorrowful world.
He further said, we should not weaken our thinking ability, otherwise there will be no difference between a human being and a machine. We cannot allow the human race to be deprived of its humanity, or at least we should not.
Justice Sonak said that this ability to think clearly, independently and fearlessly will enable a student to examine, understand and, if necessary, reject those ideas and ideologies which are becoming more powerful every hour. are continuously given by mass media devices.
Justice Sonak remarked that a few decades ago, the world was engaged in combatting weapons of mass destruction (WMDs). In today's context, he pointed out that social media and mass media have evolved into formidable tools of mass distraction, yet there is a noticeable absence of determined efforts to address this issue.
Judge said he has been on a "news diet" for about four years, in his own way, through experimentation.
He further said, not reading or watching the news makes me realize that I am not informed about many issues. But I guess it's better than being misinformed. So the choice, often, is between being ignorant and being misinformed.
Vidya Vikas Academy President Nitin Kunkolienkar, Vice President Pritam Moraes and college principal Doreti Simoes were present in the program.
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