SC issues list of 6130 cases to be listed during summer vacation 2023

SC issues list of 6130 cases to be listed during summer vacation 2023

The Supreme Court of India has issued a list of 6130 cases to be listed before vacation benches during the summer vacations ensuing from 22.05.2023.

20.05.2023 is the last working day before the Supreme Court goes on summer vacation which would come to an end on 03.07.2023.

Usually one to two benches work during the summer vacations in the Supreme Court out of which one bench is constituted to hear Misc cases as well as regular hearing cases whereas the other bench is usually assigned the task of hearing only regular hearing cases.

The Supreme Court also permits the advocates to get their matters deleted from the list.

The circular reads as under:-

"TAKE NOTICE THAT Ready Regular Hearing matters list containing the following Categories of cases has been prepared for listing the matters for hearing before the respective Vacation Benches during the Summer Vacation, 2023 commencing from 22.05.2023 and ending
with 02.07.2023.

(a) Cases which are to be listed during the Vacation as per the directions of the Hon’ble Court.

(b) Ready Regular Hearing Criminal cases in which Accused are in custody.

(c) Ready Regular Hearing cases in chronological order registered upto the year, 2019.

The Advance List of Ready Regular Hearing matters is appended herewith for perusal by the Learned Counsel and Parties-in-person appearing in the matters.

Some of the matters shown in the Advance List of Ready Regular Hearing matters are matters already appearing in the Weekly/Daily Lists and those matters which are taken up for final hearing before the commencement of the Summer Vacation, 2023 will be deleted from the List.

If any of the Learned Counsel does not want to take up any of the matters mentioned in the Advance List of Regular Hearing matters, other than the matters which are directed to be listed as per the directions of the Hon’ble Court, may get his/her matter(s) deleted through efiling login provided to him/her in the official website viz. under the Heading “Vacation Advance List” and mark [ ✓ ] under the Column - heading ‘Decline/Listed’ and thereafter click ‘Decline Selected Cases” on or before 06.05.2023 by 1.00 p.m so that his/her matter may not be listed during the Summer Vacation, 2023 .

Learned Counsel/Parties-in-person may get themselves ready to present their respective matters on the dates on which such matters are listed before the Vacation Benches."

Click here to read/ download the list



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