The cheque cannot be presented for encashment without recording the part payment: Supreme Court

The cheque cannot be presented for encashment without recording the part payment: Supreme Court

A Division Bench of the Supreme Court comprising of Justices DY Chandrachud and Hima Kohli, in a very important decision held that "The cheque cannot be presented for encashment without recording the part payment". The Court held that no offence is made out u/s 138 of the Negotialble Instrument Act for dishonour of cheque if the cheque is presented for the full amount without endorsing the part-payment by the borrower after the issuance of the cheque.

The Court held that "Under Section 56 read with Section 15 of the Act, an endorsement may be made by recording the part-payment of the debt in the cheque or in a note appended to the cheque. When such an endorsement is made, the instrument could still be used to negotiate the balance amount. If the endorsed cheque when presented for encashment of the balance amount is dishonoured, then the drawee can take recourse to the provisions of Section 138. Thus, when a part-payment of the debt is made after the cheque was drawn but before the cheque is encashed, such payment must be endorsed on the cheque under Section 56 of the Act. The cheque cannot be presented for encashment without recording the part payment. If the unendorsed cheque is dishonoured on presentation, the offence under Section 138 would not be attracted since the cheque does not represent a legally enforceable debt at the time of encashment."

Dismissing the appeal against the order dated 12 January 2022 passed by the High Court of Gujarat, the Court observed as under:-

30. In view of the discussion above, we summarise our findings below:

(i) For the commission of an offence under Section 138, the cheque that is dishonoured must represent a legally enforceable debt on the date of maturity or presentation;

(ii) If the drawer of the cheque pays a part or whole of the sum between the period when the cheque is drawn and when it is encashed upon maturity, then the legally enforceable debt on the date of maturity would not be the sum represented on the cheque;

(iii) When a part or whole of the sum represented on the cheque is paid by the drawer of the cheque, it must be endorsed on the cheque as prescribed in Section 56 of the Act. The cheque endorsed with the payment made may be used to negotiate the balance, if any. If the cheque that is endorsed is dishonoured when it is sought to be encashed upon maturity, then the offence under Section 138 will stand attracted;

(iv) The first respondent has made part-payments after the debt was incurred and before the cheque was encashed upon maturity. The sum of rupees twenty lakhs represented on the cheque was not the ‘legally enforceable debt’ on the date of maturity. Thus, the first respondent cannot be deemed to have committed an offence under Section 138 of the Act when the cheque was dishonoured for insufficient funds; and

(v) The notice demanding the payment of the ‘said amount of money’ has been interpreted by judgments of this Court to mean the cheque amount. The conditions stipulated in the provisos to Section 138 need to be fulfilled in addition to the ingredients in the substantive part of Section 138. Since in this case, the first respondent has not committed an offence under Section 138, the validity of the form of the notice need not be decided.

Noting the facts the court found out that "On 10 April 2014, the appellant issued a statutory notice under Section 138 of the Act to the first respondent-accused. It was alleged that the first respondent borrowed a sum of rupees twenty lakhs from the appellant on 16 January 2012 and to discharge the liability, issued a cheque dated 17 March 2014 bearing cheque No. 877828 for the said sum. It was further alleged that the cheque when presented on 2 April 2014 was dishonoured due to insufficient funds. The appellant issued the notice calling the first respondent to pay the legally enforceable debt of Rs. 20,00,000. On 12 May 2014, the appellant filed a criminal complaint against the first respondent for the offence under Section 138 of the Act. On 19 May 2014, the first respondent issued another reply to the legal notice. By a judgment dated 30 August 2016, the Trial Court acquitted the first respondent of the offence under Section 138 on the ground that the first respondent paid the appellant a sum of rupees 4,09,3015 between 8 April 2012 and 30 December 2013 partly discharging his liability in respect of the debt of rupees twenty lakhs. 

Case Details:-

Criminal Appeal No. 1497 of 2022
Dashrathbhai Trikambhai Patel …Appellant
Hitesh Mahendrabhai Patel & Anr. …Respondents 


Read the Complete judgment on the following link:-

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