Plea in SC to protect Western Ghats ; Center to file a report within 4 weeks

Plea in SC to protect Western Ghats ; Center to file a report within 4 weeks

Recently,  the Writ petition was filed by several individuals and organizations from Gujarat, Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka, Kerala, and Tamil Nadu, expressing concerns about the deforestation and destruction in the Western Ghats, where they are situated.

The petitioners claim that the Central Government and the governments of the six states where the Western Ghats are located have utterly neglected their responsibility to safeguard the region, resulting in its gradual destruction.

The Supreme Court recently directed all 5 States to file a counter affidavit within four weeks in the matter concerning the protection of the Western Ghats.

The petitioner in his plea said, that the protection of the Western Ghats has a direct impact on the right to life and livelihood protected under Article 21 of the Constitution.

Furthermore, as the Western Ghats is a continuous living chain of mountains which passes through six states, it requires the involvement of all six state governments, and relevant regulatory agencies in these states, along with Central Government ministries,

The petitioners sought to put a stay on the amendment dated 03.12.2018 and quash the directions issued under Section 5 of EPA, as they are only seek to protect 56,825 sq. km. The petitioners have also requested the court to issue necessary directions to the Central Government and concerned authorities, urging them to take urgent action to protect the entire Western Ghats and prevent any further destruction.

The next date of hearing is on 25 July 2023.

Case title -M. Kaviya & ors. v. UOI & ors.

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