Special Magistrate Ambrish Kumar Srivastava from the MP Court has dismissed Abbas Ansari's discharge plea. Abbas Ansari, the son of mafia figure Mukhtar Ansari, was accused of unlawfully seizing the Hazratganj enemy property through fraudulent means.
An order was issued on December 2 mandating the personal appearance of the accused for the framing of charges. The case's first information report was filed on August 27, 2020, at the Hazratganj police station by Surjan Lal, the accountant from Jiyamau.
According to the report, the accountant admitted to illicitly transferring the enemy property land situated in Jiyamau to his brother Abbas and the mafia figure Mukhtar, alongside himself. Concurrently, a counterfeit permission letter was created by the office of the Executive Engineer, Lucknow Section 2, Sharda Canal, for the construction of a building. Subsequently, following the map's approval, the construction of the building was carried out.
While rejecting the redemption petition of Abbas Ansari, it was said that this land of Jiyamau was in the name of Mohammad Wasim. During the partition of India in 1947, he went to Pakistan and his property was registered as enemy property.
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