BJP leader Kirit Somaiya has initiated a defamation lawsuit in the Bombay High Court, seeking a compensation of Rs. 100 crore in damages. The lawsuit is directed against Lokshahi news channel, Ambadas Dave, the Leader of the Opposition in Uddhav Balasaheb Thackeray's government, and YouTuber Anil Thatte.
A single judge bench of Bombay High Court, presided by Justice SM Modak, has issued a notice and scheduled a hearing for ad interim relief in four weeks regarding the matter.
Kirit Somaiya has accused the news channel of airing an objectionable video of him during a prime-time show. Furthermore, he alleges that YouTuber Anil Thatte also uploaded the same video, which resulted in harm to his reputation. In response to these claims, Kirit Somaiya lodged a complaint with the cyber cell, leading to the registration of a First Information Report (FIR). Subsequently, during the monsoon session in Parliament, the crime branch was directed to initiate an inquiry into this matter.
Moreover, Kirit Somaiya asserted that Ambadas Dave, the Leader of the Opposition representing the Uddhav Balasaheb Thackeray faction, discussed the objectionable video during a press conference. This, according to Somaiya, exacerbated the harm to his reputation.
During the hearing that took place yesterday, Kirit Somaiya's legal counsel, Hrishkesh Mundargi, requested ad interim relief, underscoring the damage to his reputation. Mundargi argued that considering Somaiya's position as a politician and the impact on his family, ad interim relief should be provided.
Mundargi, representing Kirit Somaiya, argued, "The defendants, namely Lokshahi channel and Danve, expressed damaging opinions. Somaiya is a married man with children and holds a significant political standing in society. He has exposed various scandals involving certain political leaders, and it's following these revelations that the alleged videos have emerged."
It was also presented during the proceedings that during the prime-time show, it was alleged that there were an additional 30 objectionable videos of Kirit Somaiya.
Nevertheless, the bench has requested a response from the defendants and scheduled the matter for further consideration in four weeks.
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