Divorce granted when woman hid her age: she was 41, told her age was 36, court said - this is cheating with her husband

Divorce granted when woman hid her age: she was 41, told her age was 36, court said - this is cheating with her husband


In Karnataka, a 41-year-old woman got married by pretending to be 36 years old. Later on, knowing her real age, the husband filed a case of cheating and divorce. The Karnataka High Court divorced both of them, considering it a fraud.

The case is of the year 2014. The woman's family had taken the relationship to the boy's house. He told the daughter's age as 36 years. Both got married. Meanwhile, the husband came to know that the woman was suffering from some incurable disease for a long time. He was not told this thing before marriage.

When the husband inquired about the wife and her family members, he came to know about the disease and it was also learned that the age of the wife at the time of marriage was not 36 but 41 years. The wife is 5 years older than him.

Sections 18 and 19 of the Indian Divorce Act empower the spouses to file a petition for annulment of their marriage on the ground of fraud. The court declared this marriage invalid on the basis of these sections.

Earlier, the family court had dismissed the husband's divorce petition. The court had said that the husband could not prove why the marriage should be declared void.

The Karnataka High Court heard the arguments of both sides and said that the woman has accepted in cross-examination that she hid her age. The Court further observed that the Family Court erred in appreciating the pleadings and evidence on record. The evidence on record has proved the grounds for declaring the marriage void. Therefore the marriage is allowed to end.

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