The ongoing hearing in the Allahabad High Court in the Mathura Vrindavan Banke Bihari Mandir Corridor case has been postponed. Now it will happen again today at 4 pm. The Chief Justice asked the Chief Standing Counsel to ask for the video of the main gate of the temple and other temples. The court wants to take stock of the nearby temples and construction.
A division bench of Chief Justice Preetinkar Diwakar and Justice Ashutosh Srivastava is hearing the petition of Anant Sharma and others.
The hearing of the case of proposed corridor construction for the convenience and safety of the visitors in Banke Bihari Temple located in Mathura, Vrindavan is going on. On Tuesday, Sevayats said that demolition of temples for the corridor is unacceptable.
The demolition of temples in the corridor plan was also opposed.
Supreme Court precedents were presented regarding the admissibility of PIL. Objections have also been raised from the services saying that Section 3 of the Places of Worship Act prohibits change in the status of any place of worship. Its violation is a punishable offence.
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