Recently, the Allahabad High Court granted bail to a minor, accused of posting comments against Goddess Durga on his Facebook Account.
The single-headed bench of Justice Subhash Vidyarthi directed to release him on bail.
The bench observed that High School Marks-sheet and Aadhar card showing the accused year of birth is January 2006,
He was booked under Sections 298, 505(i)(c) IPC and Section 67 of IT Act, was put behind bars on September 27, 2022, on the allegations that he was posting comments against Goddess Durga on his Facebook Account.
“From the Adhar-card and High School Marks-sheet of the applicant, it clearly appears that the applicant is a minor and yet he is languishing in jail since 27.09.2022,” the Court said as it granted him bail on submission of a personal bond and two sureties, each in the like amount, by his guardian, to the satisfaction of Magistrate/Court concerned.
Case Title: Vishwajeet vs. State Of U.P. Thru. Secy. Deptt. Of Home Lko 2023
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