On Tuesday, Chief Justice of India DY Chandrachud said that the Supreme Court is not a polyvocal institution but a people-centric court. He stated that one of the objectives of the collegium is to ensure the representation of India's prosperity and diversity.
In a felicitation ceremony organized by the Supreme Court Bar Association (SCBA) for Justice Ujjwal Bhuyan and Justice S.V. Bhatti, Chief Justice spoke and said that elevating competent judges who have dedicated many years and decades of their lives to the judiciary to the Supreme Court is a way to enhance the justice system.
He stated, ''This is not the Supreme Court of Maharashtra or Delhi. This is India's Supreme Court, and our goal is to reflect the diversity of India. I believe it is ensuring one of the objectives of the collegium that we represent India's prosperity and diversity. Many criticize the Supreme Court because it is a polyvocal court, but look at the other side of it. We are a polyvocal court, and that's because no two judges are the same''
We have a bench where one judge hails from Maharashtra and the other from Bengal, making decisions on matters concerning Haryana. This is the essence of India's Supreme Court. It's not a polyvocal court; it's a people-centric court."
He mentioned that every Supreme Court justice applies their unique legal experiences and expertise when making decisions on legal matters. The Chief Justice stated, "People will start trusting the judiciary when they see their representation among those delivering justice. We need to continue reflecting the image of our society. It is our responsibility to promote capable professionals to the Supreme Court from both the bar and the bench."
The program was also addressed by the Attorney General R. Venkataramani and SCBA President Adish C. Agrawal.
It's worth noting that in recent years, there has been controversy over the appointments of judges, and there have been demands for changes in this system
The bench has expressed a desire to hear the arguments and evidence presented by the Central Government. The Constitutional bench stated on Tuesday, before the hearing concluded, that it has now reached a state of mental satisfaction.
Therefore, it now wishes to understand the views and arguments of the Central Government in this matter. Chief Justice Dipak Chandrachud made it clear that lawyers will now have a limited time. By Wednesday afternoon, the petitioners must complete their arguments.
A Constitutional bench of five judges has been hearing this case continuously, except for Mondays and Fridays, since August 2nd. During the hearing of petitions against the removal of Article 370, the bench stated that there is no provision in the Constitution that cannot be applied in Jammu and Kashmir.
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