The Nagpur Bench of the Bombay High Court has taken suo motu cognizance of an incident where tourists reportedly obstructed the movement of a tigress (F2) and her five cubs at the Umred Pauni Karhandla Wildlife Sanctuary near Gothangaon Gate.
A bench comprising Justices Nitin W. Sambre and Vrushali V. Joshi expressed strong disapproval of the actions of tourists, as well as the conduct of the guides and the Forest Department-approved gypsy drivers involved.
The incident, which took place on December 31, 2024, came to light through a Marathi daily and a viral video on social media. The video depicted Gypsy vehicles blocking the tigress and her cubs' paths, violating wildlife safety protocols, and causing distress to the animals.
Initially, the Field Director of the Tiger Reserve imposed a seven-day suspension on the drivers and guides. However, after the incident gained public attention, the suspension was extended to three months, and a fine of ₹25,000 was levied.
The Court criticized the Forest Department’s response system, calling it inadequate, and directed the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (Wildlife) to submit a detailed affidavit outlining actions taken and planned measures to safeguard the tigress and her cubs. It also suggested additional movement restrictions in areas frequented by the tigress and her cubs.
On January 10, the Additional Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (Wildlife) submitted an affidavit detailing the disciplinary actions taken. The affidavit also informed the Court of a newly formed committee chaired by the Deputy Director of the Bor Tiger Project at Wardha. This committee will draft guidelines for the conduct of Gypsy owners, drivers, guides, and tourists, with its report expected by January 14.
Acknowledging the need for further action, the Government Pleader assured the Court that another affidavit would be filed by January 18, providing updates on progress made.
The Court directed that all relevant documents be shared with Amicus Curiae Sudheer Voditel and scheduled the next hearing for January 20.
Senior Advocate and Government Pleader D.V. Chavan, along with Assistant Government Pleader N.S. Rao, represented the State in this matter
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