World's Greatest Fake Lawyer who won all cases:  Brian Mwenda of Kenya

World's Greatest Fake Lawyer who won all cases:  Brian Mwenda of Kenya

As per the Media and Social Media reports, the officials of the Legal Department in Kenya has urged the police authorities to arrest a man who has been practicing as Fake Lawyers under the name Brian Mwenda.

As per the reports, a fake lawyer has impersonated real lawyer Brain Mwenda Ntwiga and used his name to fight cases in various courts in Kenya. Interestingly he has won all of these cases despite not having a degree as Lawyer.

The public of Kenya has showered support for the fake lawyers and supported him on social media since he has won several cases.

A video is also viral there in which one person is standing next to the fake lawyers and saying  "I would like to convey my gratitude to the people that are supporting me and praying for me... in the fullness of time I will be able to clear this misunderstanding. I will be also be able to provide my innocence and provide the actual context." Watch the Video

The Police Department and public prosecution has stated that the person who has appeared as a fake lawyer would face prosecution.

This was revealed when the real Brian Mwenda tried to log into his account but could not. When Brian complained about this to the secretary, he came to know that it was being used by someone else. Although the fake lawyer was later arrested, people are praising his ability.

According to the Unilad website, Brian said that 'he has not applied for a practicing certificate since his admission. The reason for this is that he was working in the Attorney General's office and did not need a practicing certificate. Reportedly he has also expressed his views in a video on social media. In that video he said, I want to express my gratitude to those who are supporting me and praying for me. When time comes I will be able to clear up this misunderstanding.

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