Treatment not good in Patna, transfer to Rajasthan - SC collegium bid on the demand of the judge - this is not possible

Treatment not good in Patna, transfer to Rajasthan - SC collegium bid on the demand of the judge - this is not possible

Justice Sanjeev Prakash Sharma of the Patna High Court had requested to the Collegium that he be transferred to his parent High Court  i.e. Rajasthan High Court. However, the collegium rejected his request.

Justice Sharma was appointed as a judge of the Rajasthan High Court on November 16, 2016. On January 1, 2022, he was transferred to the Patna High Court. He then sought repatriation to the Rajasthan High Court on the grounds of his poor health and non-availability of adequate medical facilities in Patna.

He has informally requested that if his transfer in Rajasthan High Court is not possible, he will seek transfer to Punjab and Haryana High Court in view of the nature of medical facilities available in Chandigarh. The collegium said that , It is not possible to bring Justice Sanjeev Prakash Sharma back to his parent High Court. Considering health reasons, he is transferred to the Punjab and Haryana High Court.

Click to read the Complete recommendation of the SC Collegium

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