Translate Court Judgements into Tamil to Push for Official Language Status : Madras HC

Translate Court Judgements into Tamil to Push for Official Language Status : Madras HC

Yesterday, the single-headed bench of Justice G Jayachandran of the Madras High Court, emphasized that individuals advocating for Tamil as the official language for all court communication should actively contribute by assisting in translating the court's judgments and orders into Tamil.

The Court, in response to a petition filed by certain lawyers requesting permission from the Greater Chennai police for an "indefinite fast" to establish Tamil as the official language of the Court,.

''If all the lawyers are really keen on making Tamil the official language of the Court, they should think of productive ways to fulfil their wish.''

The Court specifically instructed advocate G Bhagavath Singh, representing the petitioners, to propose an alternative or a permissible form of protest that aligns with the Court's directives.

Justice Jayachandran emphasized the ineffectiveness of resorting to fasting as a means of achieving the objective. Instead, the judge highlighted the significance of systematically translating legal terms, maxims, and doctrines from English to understandable Tamil. Advocating cases in Tamil before judges proficient in the language and contributing to the translation of judgments were suggested as more practical ways to organically integrate Tamil as an accepted language in Court proceedings.

The Court scheduled the continuation of the case for further hearing on December 20th.



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