The Lucknow bench of the Allahabad High Court has issued a directive for the Managing Director of the Uttar Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation and the Deputy Superintendent of Police (Traffic) to personally appear on November 20.
They are required to provide an explanation for the traffic congestion that occurs around the court building during office hours.
On Friday, a panel consisting of Justice AR Masoodi and Justice OP Shukla issued an order in response to a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) filed by the Oudh Bar Association in 2017.
HGS Parihar, who formerly served as the president of the association, highlighted the issue of heavy vehicles being permitted to use the service lane in front of the high court during busy hours. This practice resulted in severe traffic jams in the vicinity of the high court building located in the Gomtinagar area.
The panel also instructed the relevant authorities to develop a system or plan to ensure the uninterrupted flow of traffic on the roads that link to the high court building.
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