Delhi High Court has criticized the Delhi Police for what it termed a "dreadful investigation" into the tragic death of a 2-year-old child, marking a significant verdict in the case of State v Usha Devi & Anr. Justices Suresh Kumar Kait and Neena Bansal Krishna condemned the police's rush to judgment, leading to baseless charges against the child's father and grandmother. This resulted in an unjust trial and immense suffering for the accused.
The court's ruling not only shed light on the failures of the police investigation but also underscored the imperative of ensuring justice even after such miscarriages. Both accused individuals have been granted compensation of ₹50,000 each, a symbolic measure acknowledging their undeserved pain. The court acknowledged that monetary compensation could never truly redress their ordeal, yet it stood as a critical step towards rectifying the wrong.
Furthermore, the High Court's decision carried a stern warning to prosecution agencies, emphasizing the need for meticulous investigative procedures. The court stressed that robust investigations are paramount to prevent innocent individuals from bearing the brunt of the legal process. Equally, the judgment reminded trial courts of their responsibility to meticulously assess evidence, preventing hasty conclusions that can lead to wrongful convictions.
The heart of the case revolved around the unfortunate demise of a 2-year-old in 2014, during her grandmother's care. Despite suspicions of foul play due to the child's numerous injuries, the trial court's ruling had acquitted the accused of murder charges, albeit sentencing them under the Juvenile Justice Act. However, the Delhi Police sought murder convictions through an appeal, a move that was ultimately rejected by the High Court due to the glaring lack of substantial evidence.
The court's ruling resonates as a clarion call for fair, unbiased investigations that uphold the principles of justice and shield innocent lives from undue agony. The case serves as a stark reminder that the pillars of justice must be upheld not just in courtrooms, but from the very inception of an investigation. The Delhi High Court's judgment is expected to set a precedent that enforces the accountability of law enforcement agencies and underscores the inviolable rights of the accused.
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