Supreme Court to Hear "Can rule of Games be changed after Selection Process has begun on  Sep 06, 2022

Supreme Court to Hear "Can rule of Games be changed after Selection Process has begun on Sep 06, 2022

When a batch of 17 matters from through out the country relating to the state Judicial Officers was listed regadring the "rule of the game canebe changed after the selection process hasbegun" before Constitution Bench headed by Justice INDIRA BANERJEE, the bench comprising of the 4 other judged of the SupremeCourt of India namelt JUSTICE HEMANT GUPTA, JUSTICE SURYA KANT, JUSTICE M.M. SUNDRESH, JUSTICE SUDHANSHU DHULIA, the bench finding the urgency, directed the listing of the CB matter before it on the Tuesday 06th September, 2022. 

A three judges bench of the Top Court in the case of Judicial Officers from Rajasthan High Court titled as Tej Prakash & Ors. V. Rajasthan High Court & ORs. referred this matter to the Constitution Bench in the year 2013 while doubting the correctness of the judgment of the Apex Court K. Manjushree V. State of Andhra Pradesh & Ors. wherein the Bench had doubted as to whether the prohibition against changing the rules of the game could be held as absolute and non-negotiable.




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