Supreme Court recommends five judges for appointment to Supreme Court Judge

Supreme Court recommends five judges for appointment to Supreme Court Judge

The Supreme Court Collegium in its meeting held on 13 December 2022 has resolved to recommend elevation of the following Chief Justices / Judges of the High Courts, as Judges in the Supreme Court:

1. Shri Justice Pankaj Mithal
    Chief Justice, Rajasthan High Court
    (Parent High Court:Allahabad)

2. Shri Justice Sanjay Karol
    Chief Justice, Patna High Court
    (Parent High Court: Himachal Pradesh)

3. Shri Justice P.V. Sanjay Kumar
    Chief Justice, Manipur High Court
    (Parent High Court: Telangana)

4. Shri Justice Ahsanuddin Amanullah
    Judge, Patna High Court, and

5. Shri Justice Manoj Misra
    Judge, Allahabad High Court.

Read the Collegium Recommendation on the following link:-

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