Supreme Court of India Marks 75th Year with Special Lok Adalat for Pending Cases, 29 July - 3 August 2024

Supreme Court of India Marks 75th Year with Special Lok Adalat for Pending Cases, 29 July - 3 August 2024

The Supreme Court of India, commemorating its 75th anniversary, is hosting a Special Lok Adalat from July 29, 2024, to August 3, 2024. This initiative aims to expedite amicable resolutions for pending cases.

Lok Adalats play a pivotal role in our judicial system, promoting alternative dispute resolution to facilitate prompt and harmonious settlements.

The upcoming Lok Adalat reaffirms our dedication to providing accessible and efficient justice delivery to all segments of society.

Cases encompassing settlement aspects, such as matrimonial and property disputes, motor accident claims, land acquisition, compensation, service, and labor disputes currently pending before the Supreme Court will be prioritized for swift resolution during the upcoming proceedings.

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