Today, he Supreme Court has issued instructions on Tuesday to provide medical treatment to the Rohingya woman. The court directed that as per the medical advice given by GB Pant and Ram Manohar Lohia hospitals in Delhi, the petitioner should be provided with necessary medical treatment.
During the hearing, Additional Solicitor General Aishwarya Bhati, counsel for petitioner presented all the medical documents, including the provided treatment, before the court.
The court stated, 'We direct that the petitioner shall be provided with all necessary medical treatment as per the medical advice given by GB Pant Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research.
During the hearing today, the petitioner held that there is no criminal history or complaint against his younger sister and she was taken into custody in a secretive and arbitrary manner through a 'pick and choose' process back in April 2021.
According to the petition, the petitioner's younger sister is a Rohingya refugee with a UNHCR refugee identification card. It was further stated that she has been detained indefinitely and is held at a detention center called 'Seva Kendra' in Subzi Mandi, North-West Delhi.
Currently, the petitioner's sister is in detention and separated from her 3-year-old son. The petitioner stated that her sister is not receiving any medication, and she is not being provided with hot and cold water. Furthermore, her sister is being kept in poor ventilation.
The petition also highlighted the inadequate nutrition and unhealthy food provided to her sister in the detention center. Referring to the poor medical conditions, the petitioner mentioned that her sister has been infected with HIV and requires immediate and extensive medical care and treatment; otherwise, she could develop liver cirrhosis, which could even lead to her death.
The petitioner further explained that her sister has undergone a medical examination and is on the verge of a complete mental breakdown. She is being kept in an inhumane and degrading manner.
She emphasized that her sister has the right to health, dignity, and humane treatment while in detention. Following this, the woman has requested the Supreme Court to instruct the authorities to release her sister from the detention center in Shahjahanabad Bagh so that she can be reunited with her child.
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