Supreme Court appoints Sign Language Interpreter For Deaf Lawyer

Supreme Court appoints Sign Language Interpreter For Deaf Lawyer

Today, the Supreme Court of India has appointed sign language interpreter for deaf lawyer Sarah Sunny.

"We have an interpreter today for Sarah. In fact, we are thinking that for the constitution bench hearings we will have an interpreter so that everyone can follow", Chief Justice of India DY Chandrachud said.

The interpreter was seen in the virtual hearing window along with Advocate Sarah Sunny.

"This is truly historic and momentous. It shows the diversity in true sense in this court," Senior Advocate Menaka Guruswamy, who was incidentally present in the court, said.

The interpreter was observed providing interpretation services for Sarah, who was participating in the proceedings through Video Call. Following the discussion of the case in which Sarah was involved, the Chief Justice of India (CJI) addressed her, saying,

"Sarah, I trust that the interpretation provided made the proceedings clear to you and that you were able to comprehend the proceedings of the court.

"Yes sir, she says it was very helpful." the interpreter replied.

"It is our elementary duty to have a more diverse environment.", CJI said. "But Sarah, now you must start arguing your own matters.", said Senir Advocate of Sarah during the Virtual hearing.

Earlier, in the course of the proceedings, the Court took into account an application submitted by advocate Sanchita Ain. This application sought the appointment of an interpreter to assist advocate Sarah Sunny.

Advocate Sara Sunny started presenting her views through gestures and her translator Saurav Rai Chaudhary was rapidly narrating what Sara said in the court by putting her words into words.


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