Summer Heat Hinders Consumer Court Proceedings

Summer Heat Hinders Consumer Court Proceedings

A case in Delhi's consumer court was postponed until November due to challenges in conducting hearings during the summer months. The court cited the absence of air conditioning or coolers in the courtroom as the reason for the difficulty in proceeding.

As the case was adjourned, the coram, comprising President Suresh Kumar Gupta and members Harshali Kaur and Ramesh Chand Yadav, made the following observations:

"There is neither Air Conditioner nor Cooler in the Court Room. Temperature is more than 40 Degree Celsius. There is too much heat in the Court room which led to sweating as such it is difficult to hear arguments," the order dated May 21 said.

Furthermore, the consumer forum noted that there was even a lack of water for basic facilities such as using the washroom. Given these circumstances, the forum stated that it was unable to proceed with hearing the arguments of the parties and adjourned the matter to November 21st.
Additionally, the consumer forum directed that a copy of the current order be sent to the Secretary-Cum-Commissioner for informational purposes. The lack of adequate infrastructure in courts, particularly lower courts and tribunals, has been an ongoing challenge in the dispensation of justice. This issue is not unique to the national capital, as infrastructure deficiencies persist in District Courts and certain tribunals across Delhi as well.
Case Title: Rajender Singh v Vodafone & Ors
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