The Dhami government has removed all the lawyers representing Uttarakhand in the High Court overnight. Now, there will be a recruitment of new lawyers. According to the order issued by the Secretary of Law, Sudhir Kumar Singh, on August 19th, the Advocate General, Deputy Advocate General, and Chief Government Advocate, Government Advocate, Assistant Government Advocate, and Brief Holder have been relieved of their duties.
Sources suggest that the legal team could not adequately represent the state government on sensitive issues in the High Court.
It should be noted that the legal team could not effectively represent the state government's case in the High Court regarding issues related to recruitment exams. After considerable controversy within the state government, they decided to remove the lawyers from their positions.
Following the directives of Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami, the government has terminated the services of legal officers representing the state government in the High Court in Nainital.
The Chief Minister has instructed the Secretary of Law to make new appointments for lawyers based on merit. The Uttarakhand government's strong decision in the High Court is seen as a setback for serving government lawyers. The government appoints legal officers to represent the state and argue in court. The letter mentions that after considerable deliberation by the government, the services of judicial officers representing the state government in the High Court have been terminated. Now, a new team will be appointed for representation and argument in court cases.
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