Society calls for immediate action to address stray dog menace after tragic death of autistic child,  urges to SC

Society calls for immediate action to address stray dog menace after tragic death of autistic child, urges to SC

The recent tragic incident of a stray dog attack resulting in the death of an 11-year-old autistic child has highlighted the pressing need for urgent action to address the escalating stray dog menace. The district panchayat of Kannur in Kerala has moved an application before the Supreme Court, seeking humane euthanization of suspected rabid dogs and extremely dangerous dogs. This plea comes in the wake of a surge in violent attacks by stray dogs in the district, posing a grave threat to public safety. The distressing statistics and the toll on both human and animal lives demand immediate attention from society.

Rising Incidents and Grave Consequences:
The application reveals alarming data, painting a grim picture of the escalating crisis. The number of reported stray dog attacks in Kannur alone has witnessed a steep increase over the years, reaching a staggering 11,776 cases in 2022. The death of an innocent child in 2023, as well as a similar incident in Kottayam last year, underscores the severity of the issue. Children, in particular, are vulnerable to these attacks, making it imperative to address the problem urgently.

A Multifaceted Problem:
The stray dog menace is not limited to human lives alone. The application further highlights that the violent stray dogs have also claimed the lives of domestic animals, with recent reports indicating the loss of 65 ducks and several other pets. This exacerbates the issue, as the menace extends beyond human safety to the well-being of beloved pets and livestock.

Inadequate Control Measures:
Despite efforts by the local authorities to manage the issue, the problem continues to escalate unabated. The sheer number of stray dogs within the district, estimated at approximately 28,000, presents a formidable challenge. The situation calls for swift and effective measures to ensure the safety and well-being of the residents.

Appeal for Immediate Action:
Given the urgency and severity of the situation, it is imperative for society as a whole to recognize the need for immediate action. The district panchayat's application to the Supreme Court, supported by the Kerala government's previous request, emphasizes the gravity of the matter and the need for a coordinated response.

Collaborative Efforts:
Addressing the stray dog menace requires a multi-pronged approach involving various stakeholders. Government bodies, animal welfare organizations, and community members must come together to devise a comprehensive plan to mitigate the threat posed by rabid and extremely dangerous dogs. This should include measures such as increased sterilization programs, effective dog population control, public awareness campaigns, and provisions for the humane euthanization of dangerous dogs when necessary.

The recent tragic incidents involving stray dog attacks, resulting in loss of human and animal lives, demand immediate action from society. The rising number of reported cases, coupled with the inability to curb the problem effectively, necessitates urgent attention from authorities and active participation from the public. By collectively addressing this pressing issue, we can ensure the safety and well-being of our communities, protect vulnerable individuals, and preserve harmonious coexistence with animals

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