On Monday, the Supreme Court strongly criticized Tamil Nadu Governor RN Ravi for the prolonged delay in approving bills that have been pending before him since January 2020. The court expressed deep concern over the Governor's lack of action, particularly highlighting the delay in decision-making and the subsequent re-adoption of 10 bills by the state government.
A three-judge panel led by Chief Justice DY Chandrachud conveyed its dissatisfaction, noting that the Governor took action on the pending bills only after the court's November 10 order related to the Punjab Government case. The court raised questions about the Governor's course of action during the three-year period and emphasized the need for an explanation as to why the decision was delayed until the parties approached the Supreme Court.
The court's rebuke follows the recent return of 10 bills by the Governor, prompting the state government to organize a special Assembly session where the bills were re-adopted. The court deferred the case until December 1 after being informed by the Tamil Nadu government that the Assembly had reapproved the 10 bills during the special session.
The Tamil Nadu government had previously brought its concerns to the Supreme Court, asserting that the Governor had taken a stance as a "political rival" to the state government. This suggests an underlying perception of political opposition between the two entities, raising questions about the Governor's actions and behavior.
Following the rejection of the bills, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin criticized the Governor, accusing him of withholding the bills based on his "whims and fancies." The Opposition, comprising AIADMK and BJP, staged a walkout during the special session, questioning the necessity of reaffirming the bills in the Assembly when the matter was already before the court.
The bills in question span various departments, including Law, Agriculture, and Higher Education. They were initially passed but faced rejection when returned by Governor Ravi on November 13. Subsequently, the re-adopted bills were forwarded to the Governor for his approval, adding complexity to the ongoing legal and political saga in Tamil Nadu.
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