The Hindu Front for Justice has approached the Supreme Court of India, requesting to overturn its April order that barred the Madhya Pradesh High Court from acting on the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) report regarding the disputed Bhojshala complex.
Previously, the Maulana Kamaluddin Welfare Society had challenged the High Court’s March 11, 2024 order, which permitted an ASI survey to determine the religious identity of the building known as Bhojshala or Kamal Maula Mosque.
As an interim measure, the Supreme Court had halted any actions or physical changes to the site until further examination.
The Hindu Front for Justice argues that the petition by the Maulana Kamaluddin Welfare Society is now moot since objections can be raised to the ASI report before the High Court. Recently, the Supreme Court agreed to consider an expedited review of the petition following an urgent request from Advocate Vishnu Shanker Jain, representing the Hindu Front for Justice.
The case involves ongoing disputes over the right to worship and the historical status of the Bhojshala complex in Madhya Pradesh’s Dhar District.
The Madhya Pradesh High Court is currently addressing a writ petition aimed at reclaiming the Bhojshala complex for Hindus and barring Muslims from praying there. The petition also seeks to restore an idol of Goddess Saraswati, which was removed by the British. Additionally, the PIL contests an ASI order from April 7, 2003, which allowed Muslim prayers at the site and limited Hindu worship, reflecting the complex religious significance of the Bhojshala/Kamal Maula Mosque.
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