SC Collegium recommends names of Judicial Officers for appointment as Judges of Tripura High Court

SC Collegium recommends names of Judicial Officers for appointment as Judges of Tripura High Court

The Supreme Court Collegium has recommended the names of the following Judicial Officers for appointment as Judges of the High Court of Tripura:
1. Shri Biswajit Palit, and
2. Shri Sabyasachi Datta Purkayastha.

On 01 December 2022, the Acting Chief Justice of the High Court of Tripura in consultation with his two senior-most colleagues recommended the elevation of the above judicial officers as judges of that High Court. Views of the Chief Minister and the Governor for the State of Tripura on the above recommendation have not been placed in the file.

On this aspect, the Department of Justice has forwarded the above recommendation by invoking para 14 of the Memorandum of Procedure which provides that if the comments of the State constitutional authorities are not received within the said timeframe (six weeks from the date of receipt of the proposal from the Chief Justice of the High Court), it should be presumed by the Minister of Law and Justice that the Governor and Chief Minister have nothing to add to the proposal and proceed accordingly.

In order to ascertain the fitness and suitability of the above-named judicial officers for elevation to the High Court, we have consulted our colleagues conversant with the affairs of the High Court of Tripura.

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