SC Collegium recommends appointment of Shri Arun Kumar, Advocate, as Judge of Allahabad High Court

SC Collegium recommends appointment of Shri Arun Kumar, Advocate, as Judge of Allahabad High Court

The recommendation made by the Collegium of the High Court of Judicature at Allahabad on 02 September 2022 was considered by this Collegium on 17 January 2023. This Collegium deferred the proposal for the elevation of Shri Arun Kumar in view of the report of the Intelligence Bureau. The resolution of the Collegium states that:

“The IB may, therefore, be requested to furnish, within two weeks from the date of receipt of this file in the Department of Justice, specific material, if any, on the basis of which the above conclusion has been drawn by the IB in its report.” On 03 May 2023, the Department of Justice forwarded to the Supreme Court a report dated 01 February 2023 of the Intelligence Bureau stating that they do not have any additional inputs in addition to the earlier inputs.

While three consultee-judges have positively opined about the suitability of the candidate, another consultee-judge has not expressed any
opinion. The Chief Minister and the Governor of the State of Uttar Pradesh have concurred with the above recommendation. The candidate is about 51 years of age and fulfils the income criterion. He has put in over 25 years of practice at the Bar and has experience of conducting a wide range of cases before the High Court in constitutional, civil and revenue jurisdictions.

Having regard to the above aspects and bearing in mind that the Intelligence Bureau has no additional/specific inputs or verifiable material, the Collegium is of the considered opinion that the candidate is eminently fit and suitable for appointment as a Judge of the High Court of Judicature at Allahabad.

The Collegium, therefore, resolves to recommend that Shri Arun Kumar, Advocate, be appointed as a Judge of the High Court of Judicature
at Allahabad

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