SC Celebrates International Yoga Day

SC Celebrates International Yoga Day

The Supreme Court of India marked International Yoga Day by organizing a special yoga session at the Supreme Court Complex. The event saw participation from the Chief Justice of India, Supreme Court judges, officials, registry staff, as well as members of the executive committees of SCBA and SCAORA.

The event kicked off with a yoga session led by expert yoga instructors from the Kaivalyadhama Institute. Following this, Advocate Tejaswi Kumar Sharma, a three-time International Champion in yoga-asanas despite being specially abled, showcased an impressive series of asanas.

Adding to the spectacle, a team from the All India Institute of Ayurveda presented a yoga fusion dance, blending rhythmic movements with yogic postures set to music. Dr. Tanuja Nesari, Director of the Institute, delivered a presentation highlighting the symbiotic relationship between yoga and Ayurveda, emphasizing the importance of embracing a holistic lifestyle.

Chief Justice Dhananjaya Y. Chandrachud concluded the event with a poignant address, emphasizing the profound significance of yoga. He remarked that International Yoga Day transcends mere celebration and serves as a reminder of yoga's pivotal role in fostering a balanced lifestyle. The Chief Justice highlighted yoga's unique blend of physical exercise and spirituality. In his speech, delivered in Hindi, he underscored the importance of four 'S's: 'Siddhant' (principles underlying yoga akin to legal discipline), 'Samanvay' (inclusion), 'Sadbhavana' (fraternity and compassion), and 'Sashaktikaran' (empowerment)—signifying movement from the individual to society, from society to the nation, and from the nation to global humanity.

The CJI discussed the significance of humility in practicing yoga, emphasizing that the realm of knowledge stands above the individual who seeks it. He underscored his personal commitment to veganism, highlighting the importance of respecting every living creature equally.


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