Recently, Delhi High Court has given a verdict regarding the right to marry the person of one's choice. The Delhi High Court, while providing police protection to a couple facing threats from their families after marriage, said that the right to marry a person of one's choice is inalienable and protected under the Constitution and even family members object to such marriages.
In the recent order, Justice Tushar Rao Gedela stressed that the government is constitutionally bound to provide security to its citizens and the High Court, being a constitutional court, is expected to protect the constitutional rights of the couple. The court said, 'The right of the petitioners to marry a person of their choice is inviolable and protected under the Constitution, which cannot be weakened in any way.'
While disposing of the couple's petition seeking police protection, the court said, 'There is no doubt about the facts related to the marriage of the petitioners and their majority. No one, not even family members, can object to such a relationship.
The petitioners said that they got married in April against the wishes of their parents and have been living happily together since then. The petitioners say that during this time they are receiving threats from family members, especially the girl.
The court directed the government to provide security to both the petitioners and ensure that no harm is caused to any of them, especially the woman's parents or family members. The court directed the concerned beat officer to keep an eye on them from time to time.
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