Pune Police Commissioner Exposes Attempt to Frame Driver in Teen's Hit-and-Run Case

Pune Police Commissioner Exposes Attempt to Frame Driver in Teen's Hit-and-Run Case

Pune Police Commissioner Amitesh Kumar revealed that instead of holding the 17-year-old responsible for a hit-and-run accident, there's an attempt to blame the driver. He also mentioned that after the crash, there was an effort to switch drivers to protect the minor from getting into trouble.

"It is true that at the start the driver had said that he was driving the car. We are investigating this part and also under whose pressure the driver made that statement we are investigating it. Effort was made to change the driver during that period. We are investigating this also," Mr Kumar said during a press conference.

He denied claims suggesting the driver was in control of the car, asserting they have video evidence confirming the 17-year-old was the one driving the luxury vehicle.

"We have the CCTV footage of him drinking liquor in the pub. The point of saying this is that our case is not alone depending on the blood report we have other evidence also. He (the minor accused) was in his senses. It was not as if all of them were so drunk that they could not understand anything. They had full knowledge that due to their conduct, an incident like section 304 cab happen," the Pune Commissioner said.

The accident occurred early Sunday morning when the 17-year-old, along with friends, had been drinking at two pubs in Pune to celebrate his Class 12 results. In the Kalyani Nagar area, he struck two IT professionals. Aneesh Awadhiya (24), the rider of the bike, was thrown and hit a parked car, while Ashwini Koshta (25), the pillion rider, was flung 20 feet into the air. Both individuals tragically lost their lives at the scene.
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