Protect your belongings while traveling on trains: Supreme Court highlights passenger responsibility

Protect your belongings while traveling on trains: Supreme Court highlights passenger responsibility

In a recent ruling, the Supreme Court of India has emphasized the importance of passengers taking responsibility for safeguarding their belongings during train journeys. The court stated that theft occurring on trains cannot be considered a deficiency in service by the Indian Railways. This ruling came during a case where a passenger had lost a significant amount of money during a train ride and sought compensation from the Railways.

"Theft during Train Rides Not the Responsibility of Railways", Says Justices Vikram Nath and Ahsanuddin Amanullah [Station Superintendent and Anr vs Surender Bhola].

The vacation bench of Justices Vikram Nath and Ahsanuddin Amanullah set aside the consumer court's order to pay ₹1 lakh in compensation to the claimant. The court held that the Railways cannot be held responsible if passengers fail to protect their own belongings. The judges questioned how theft could be considered a deficiency in service when it is the passenger's responsibility to secure their possessions.

The case originated from a District Consumer Forum, which had initially awarded the claimant compensation after his money, stored in a belt tied around his waist, was stolen during the train journey. This decision was upheld by the National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission on June 12, 2015. However, the Supreme Court has now overturned these previous orders.

It is essential for passengers to be aware of their surroundings and take necessary precautions to protect their valuables while traveling on trains. The Supreme Court ruling highlights the importance of personal responsibility in ensuring the safety of belongings. Passengers are encouraged to keep their belongings secure and be vigilant during their train journeys.

The Supreme Court's decision serves as a reminder to all train passengers that the Indian Railways cannot be held accountable for theft or loss of personal items. By remaining alert, taking appropriate measures, and exercising caution, passengers can help ensure the security of their belongings while traveling on trains.

Case Details:-


Click here to view/download the order

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