NIA Special Court Grants Permission for Jamia Milia Islamia Student to Take BTech Exam from Tihar Jail

NIA Special Court Grants Permission for Jamia Milia Islamia Student to Take BTech Exam from Tihar Jail

In a significant decision, a National Investigation Agency special court in New Delhi granted permission for Jamia Milia Islamia University student Mohd. Mohsin Ahmad to take his BTech exam while being held at Tihar Jail.

Ahmad had submitted a request to take the seventh-semester BTech exam at Jamia Milia Islamia University. In response, the court ordered that an authorized invigilator from the university be present at the jail on the exam day according to the scheduled timing.

"The Superintendent Jail shall ensure that the arrangement for facilitating the applicant or accused to appear in the examination be made in such a room or library where there is complete peace and a congenial environment," the district judge ordered on December 6, 2023.

Ahmad is accused in a UAP(A) case for allegedly raising funds for ISIS. He was chargesheeted by the NIA in January, this year.

The Principal District and Sessions Judge of Patiala House Court, Sanjay Garg, granted Mohd. Mohsin Ahmed permission to take his exams in Tihar jail.

Ahmed was arrested by the NIA on August 6, 2022, linked to a case filed in June of the same year.

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