Maxico Supreme Court Decriminalises Abortion

Maxico Supreme Court Decriminalises Abortion

Yesterday, the Supreme Court of Mexico decriminalized abortion across the conservative Latin American country, moving in contrast to the United States where federally guaranteed abortion rights were overturned last year.

"The legal system that penalizes abortion in the Federal Penal Code is unconstitutional, since it violates the human rights of women and people with the capacity to gestate.", Court said.

It follows a similar Supreme Court ruling two years ago that abortion was not a crime, de facto authorizing it throughout Mexico.

Following a constitutional challenge to Coahuila's penal code, a declaration was made that has nationwide implications. This declaration paves the way for women throughout Mexico to access the abortion procedure without the risk of facing legal prosecution.

The Information Group on Reproductive Choice (GIRE), which campaigns for abortion rights, welcomed the latest step decriminalizing abortion at the national level.

"Federal health institutions throughout the country will have to provide abortion services to women and people with the capacity to gestate who request it," the group said on social media.

Mexico's recent reforms diverge from the direction taken in the United States. In contrast to the U.S., where a Supreme Court ruling in June 2022 overturned the landmark 1973 "Roe v. Wade" decision, which had guaranteed the right to abortion nationwide, Mexico has been moving in a different direction regarding abortion rights.

The situation has led to some women from the United States seeking help to have an abortion from activists across the border in Mexico.

Previously abortion had been decriminalized in a dozen of Mexico's 32 states, starting with Mexico City in 2007.

But in addition to a lack of facilities to carry out the procedure, "many women don't know that they have this right because local governments have not carried out publicity campaigns about it," women's rights activist Sara Lovera said.

"That's why today's decision of the Supreme Court is important," Lovera told AFP.

The Church has previously objected to the abortion reforms.

There have also been reported cases of health workers reporting women for having had illegal abortions, leading to their arrest.

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