Meghalaya High Court to get new Judge: Biswadeep Bhattacharjee recommended by SC Collegium

Meghalaya High Court to get new Judge: Biswadeep Bhattacharjee recommended by SC Collegium

The Supreme Court Collegium has recommended the name of Shri Biswadeep Bhattacharjee, Advocate, for appointment as a Judge of the
High Court of Meghalaya in the following terms:

The Recommendation reads as under:-

On 12 August 2022, the Chief Justice of the High Court of Meghalaya made the above recommendation in consultation with the two members of the Collegium.

The constitutional authorities of the State have not given any input in respect of the above recommendation. The proposal has, therefore, been forwarded by the Department of Justice to the Supreme Court by invoking Para 14 of the Memorandum of Procedure which provides that if the comments of the Governor on the advice of the Chief Minister are not received within six weeks from the date of receipt of the proposal, it shall be presumed that the constitutional authorities in the State have nothing to add to the proposal and the proposal may accordingly be processed.

In order to ascertain the fitness and suitability of Shri Biswadeep Bhattacharjee, for elevation to the High Court, we consulted in terms of the
Memorandum of Procedure, a Judge of the Supreme Court conversant with the affairs of the High Court of Meghalaya.

For the purpose of assessing the merit and suitability of Shri Biswadeep Bhattacharjee for elevation to the High Court, we have scrutinized and evaluated the material placed on record including the observations of the Department of Justice in the file.

The candidate has a standing of nearly thirty years at the Bar and has appeared before the High Court in a number of civil, criminal, service and constitutional cases. He was appointed as amicus curiae in two criminal appeals. He has been holding the office of Additional Advocate General of the State of Meghalaya since 2018. He has a reasonably good professional income which reflects on his practice at the Bar. The inputs provided by the Government in the file indicate that he enjoys a good personal and professional image and nothing adverse has come to notice with regard to his integrity. Besides, he has good knowledge and experience of handling civil and criminal matters under the Administration of Justice Rules applicable in the State of Meghalaya. His experience would thus be a value addition to the High Court. Having regard to the material on record and on an overall consideration of the matter, the Collegium is of the considered view that Shri Biswadeep Bhattacharjee is suitable for being appointed as Judge of the High Court of Meghalaya.

In view of the above, the Collegium resolves to recommend that Shri Biswadeep Bhattacharjee, Advocate, be appointed as a Judge of the High Court of Meghalaya.

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