Manufacturing defect in car; Supreme Court directs Ford India to pay Rs 42 lakhs to owner Ford Titanium Endeavour

Manufacturing defect in car; Supreme Court directs Ford India to pay Rs 42 lakhs to owner Ford Titanium Endeavour

In a significant victory for consumer rights, the Supreme Court has recently ruled against Ford India Ltd. and directed the company to pay Rs 42 lakhs as compensation to a consumer who purchased a Ford Titanium Endeavour 3.4L, which was plagued by manufacturing defects. This landmark decision showcases the judiciary's commitment to protecting consumers from substandard products and holding companies accountable for their obligations.

The case began when the car owner filed a complaint with the State Commission, highlighting multiple issues with the vehicle, including persistent oil leakage from the very beginning. Recognizing the validity of the consumer's claims, the State Commission ordered Ford India to replace the faulty engine at no cost and awarded the consumer a daily compensation of 2,000 rupees.

Even after Ford replaced the engine during the subsequent appeal to the Supreme Court, the car remained plagued by numerous problems, impeding smooth driving. Taking into account these ongoing issues, a bench comprising Justices Surya Kant and Dipankar Datta made a resolute decision in favor of the consumer, ordering Ford India to pay Rs 42 lakhs as compensation.

Out of the total amount, Rs 6 lakhs had already been paid by the company following the initial orders of the State Commission. Consequently, Ford was directed to pay the remaining Rs 36 lakhs, while an additional sum of 87,000 rupees was mandated to cover the insurance of the vehicle. As per the court's instructions, upon receipt of the compensation (Rs 36,87,000), the owner is required to hand over the vehicle to the company.

This ruling demonstrates the Supreme Court's commitment to upholding consumer rights and ensuring that manufacturers are held responsible for any manufacturing defects or flaws in their products. It serves as a strong deterrent to companies that fail to deliver safe and reliable goods to consumers, emphasizing the importance of quality control and accountability in the automotive industry.

By providing just compensation to the affected consumer, the Supreme Court's decision sends a powerful message that consumer satisfaction and safety are paramount, and companies must prioritize these aspects to maintain their reputation and trust in the market. This ruling serves as a significant precedent, bolstering consumer confidence and reinforcing the belief that justice prevails even against influential entities in the manufacturing sector.

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