Madras HC Supports Man Removing Stone Idol, Urges Society to Move Beyond Superstitions

Madras HC Supports Man Removing Stone Idol, Urges Society to Move Beyond Superstitions

The Madras High Court, while granting relief to an individual seeking police protection for the removal of a stone perceived as an idol at his residence's entrance, bemoaned the societal stagnation and persistence of superstitious beliefs. The court observed that despite the passage of time, there has been a disappointing lack of evolution in societal attitudes, with outdated and irrational beliefs still holding sway.

Justice Anand Venkatesh remarked that the stone, concealed with a green cloth, had been deliberately placed directly in front of the petitioner's property. An effort was being made to designate it as an idol, and based on this pretext, the petitioner was being unjustly denied the right to fully enjoy his property.

The petitioner apprised the court that he had submitted a representation to the Assistant Commissioner of Police, requesting police protection for the removal of the stone. However, receiving no response compelled him to seek redress from the court. In contrast, the state contended that the complaint was closed, deeming the matter a civil issue.

However, the court pointed out that the petitioner faced limitations in seeking resolution through a civil court. It remarked that approaching a civil court in this matter would create a peculiar situation where one party asserts the stone's status as an idol while the other denies it. The court emphasized the inherent difficulty for a court to conclusively determine whether the stone had indeed been elevated to the status of an idol.

A very funny situation will arise before the civil Court wherein the seventh respondent will claim that the stone must be treated as an idol and the petitioner will state that it is merely a stone and not an idol. ''

Consequently, the court instructed the Assistant Commissioner to provide the requisite protection to the petitioner, allowing him to proceed with the removal of the stone and fully enjoy his property.

Counsel for the Petitioner: Mr.L.Dhamodharan

Counsel for the Respondents: Mr.A.Damodaran Additional Public Prosecutor

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