''Lawyers are not treated with the dignity they deserve'' : Justice BR Gavai

''Lawyers are not treated with the dignity they deserve'' : Justice BR Gavai

Supreme Court Justice BR Gavai delivered remarks at the National Judicial Academy Conference in Kolkata on Saturday.

During his address, Justice Gavai discussed the principles guiding judges in contemporary times, invoking the wisdom of Greek philosopher Aristotle to underscore his message to the judiciary.

Socrates has said, “Four things belong to a judge: to hear courteously, to answer wisely, to consider soberly, and to decide impartially”. It has also been said that a judge should be studious, courteous, conscientious, patient, punctual, just, impartial, fearless of public clamour, regardless of public praise, indifferent to private, political or partisan influences.Time has come to introspect and ask us as to what extent we follow these principles, he said.

He also expressed deep concern over the punctuality of certain High Court judges who do not commence proceedings on schedule.

It is shocking to know that some of the Judges, though the court timings are 10.30 a.m., sit at 11.30 a.m. and get up at 12.30 p.m. though the court timings are up to 1.30 p.m. It is more shocking to know that some of the Judges do not sit in the second half, the Supreme Court judge said.

Justice Gavai also expressed reservation at the way some judges "treat lawyers without dignity."

The lawyers are not treated with the dignity they deserve and are often humiliated by Judges. We should not forget that the Judges and Lawyers are co-equal partners in the administration of justice; none superior, none inferior. Misbehaving with lawyers does not enhance the dignity of the institution, but rather undermines it, he added.



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