Landmark verdict: Madhya Pradesh HC exonerates Raghavji in sodomy case, quashes 2013 FIR

Landmark verdict: Madhya Pradesh HC exonerates Raghavji in sodomy case, quashes 2013 FIR

Madhya Pradesh High Court has quashed the 2013 sodomy FIR filed against former State finance minister, Raghavji. Justice Sanjay Dwivedi, presiding over the case, boldly declared the complaint as ill-motivated, aiming to tarnish the image of the esteemed minister.

The court's decision was based on several key factors that shed light on the true nature of the complaint. Firstly, it was noted that the complainant had lived with Raghavji for three years without raising any objections or voicing concerns. Surprisingly, the complaint was filed only after the complainant had left Raghavji's house, raising suspicions about the true intentions behind the allegations.

Delving deeper into the case, the court revealed that the complainant failed to provide any evidence of non-consent or resistance to the alleged acts. This, coupled with the fact that the complainant willingly stayed with Raghavji for an extended period, strongly suggested mutual consent.

Upon examining the material presented, the court discovered crucial details that cast doubt on the complainant's credibility. It came to light that the complainant's affidavit was prepared by an advocate affiliated with a rival political party, clearly indicating a political motive behind the complaint. Moreover, the complainant's own father stated that he had a history of making false accusations against prominent individuals, further undermining his credibility.

The court emphasized that even if the allegations of unnatural sex were assumed to be true, there was no evidence of the use of force by Raghavji. Additionally, the existence of video recordings of the alleged abuse, collected by the complainant, raised suspicions about his intentions and indicated a premeditated plan to gather material against the former minister.

Ultimately, the court concluded that the complaint was a malicious amalgamation of personal and political vendettas, orchestrated with the assistance of rival party leaders. It declared the case to be one of consent and, consequently, not punishable under section 377 of the Indian Penal Code.

With the quashing of the FIR, Raghavji can now breathe a sigh of relief as justice prevails. This thrilling verdict brings an end to a challenging chapter in the former minister's life, allowing him to regain his dignity and reputation.

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