Kerala to teach parts of constitution in School text-book

Kerala to teach parts of constitution in School text-book

The Preamble of the Indian Constitution tells about its objectives and principles. It has been decided to include the Preamble of the Constitution in the school textbooks in the state of Kerala. Education Minister V Sivankutty said that the Preamble of the Constitution will be added as a preamble in all textbooks.

There will be activities for children to internalize this as part of the curriculum, he said. ''At the national level, Kerala is the state which most quickly completes curriculum reform activities. Whenever there are academic and otherwise undemocratic practices in the country, we have tried to fight them academically. We will continue to do so. "Right from the beginning, we have declared that Kerala will pursue reforms that uphold constitutional values."

The Education Minister further informed that the Kerala State School Curriculum Steering Committee has approved 173 textbook titles in a comprehensive curriculum revision for classes I, III, V, VII and IX. Part of curriculum reforms. New textbooks for other classes will be ready by the academic year 2025-26. Lessons on POCSO rules, democratic and secular values and scientific temper have been included. Sports, waste problems, cleanliness, civic awareness, gender awareness based on equal justice, scientific awareness, POCSO rules, agriculture, democratic values, and secularism are part of the textbooks. Vocational education will be provided to students of classes 5 to 10. This includes tourism, agriculture, IT, textiles and skill development. This will help in developing a work attitude in children from an early age." Teacher books will be designed for teachers with the aim of providing them with training.

WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a SOVEREIGN SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and to secure to all its citizens:
JUSTICE, social, economic and political;
LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship;
EQUALITY of status and of opportunity;
and to promote among them all
FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation

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