The Kerala High Court declined the request for a 14-year-old to terminate a pregnancy involving a 30-week-old fetus, citing the advanced stage of the pregnancy as a factor in their decision.
Justice Devan Ramachandran dismissed the abortion request made by the minor's mother, stating that the situation did not involve a threat to the child's health due to the pregnancy, nor were there indications of any fatal fetal abnormalities.
Justice Devan Ramachandran, in dismissing the petition filed by the minor's mother to terminate the pregnancy, emphasized that the situation did not pose a threat to the health of the child or indicate any abnormalities in the fetus.
The mother of the minor had sought abortion from the High Court on the grounds that her daughter was raped. At the same time, during this time the accused was in custody under the POCSO Act. The court said that even though the records and reports on file show that the victim was not forced. But, the girl is still very young. What happened to her at the age of just 13-14 is 'definitely statutory rape'.
Justice Ramachandran said in his order, "The vital organs of the fetus like brain and lungs are almost completely developed and the child is ready to come out of the womb. Therefore, this court cannot accede to the request of the petitioner. "However, I completely sympathize with what the victim and her family are going through, especially because the victim is a very young girl.
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