Justice S V Bhatti, New Chief Justice of Kerala High Court

Justice S V Bhatti, New Chief Justice of Kerala High Court

Supreme Court Collegium has recommended the name of Justice S V Bhatti as the new Chief Justice of Kerala High Court. He is the senior most judge of the Andhra Pradesh High Court.

The Recommendation speaks as under:-

"The office of the Chief Justice of the High Court of Kerala is going to fall vacant very shortly, consequent upon the retirement of Mr. Justice S Manikumar. Therefore, an appointment to that office has to be made.

Mr Justice S V Bhatti is the senior-most Judge from the High Court of Andhra Pradesh and is presently functioning, on transfer as the seniormost judge of the Kerala High Court. His experience as a senior puisne Judge in two High Courts would be useful for him in dispensing justice as Chief Justice of the High Court of Kerala.

Presently, there is no judge of the High Court of Andhra Pradesh is serving as Chief Justice. Having regard to all relevant factors, the Collegium is of the considered view that Mr Justice S V Bhatti is fit and suitable in all respects to be appointed as Chief Justice of the High Court of Kerala.

In terms of the Memorandum of Procedure, consultation has been held with the consultee-Judge/s with a view to ascertain the suitability of Mr Justice S V Bhatti for appointment as Chief Justice of the High Court of Kerala. The consultee-Judge/s have concurred with the proposed appointment of Mr Justice S V Bhatti.

In view of the above, the Collegium resolves to recommend that Mr Justice S V Bhatti be appointed as the Chief Justice of the High Court of Kerala."

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