In a recent event organized by the Delhi High Court Women Lawyers Forum, Justices Suresh Kumar Kait and Neena Bansal Krishna shared valuable insights on the challenges faced by first-generation lawyers and provided guidance for their success. The event, titled "Challenges faced by first generation lawyers and systemic solutions to level the field: Judges’ perspective," aimed to shed light on the journey of legal professionals who lack family connections in the field.
Justice Suresh Kumar Kait, a first-generation lawyer himself, candidly discussed the initial difficulties faced by lawyers like him due to the absence of established connections and the need for relentless hard work. He highlighted that despite the challenges, first-generation lawyers often achieve remarkable success through determination and dedication. Drawing parallels with fields like IAS and IPS, Justice Kait emphasized the common pattern of triumph emerging from adversity.
Justice Neena Bansal Krishna added to the discussion, underscoring the importance of overcoming invisible barriers and focusing on personal merit and dedication. Acknowledging that some individuals with familial ties to the legal profession may have certain advantages, Justice Krishna stressed that true success is built on a foundation of hard work and perseverance. She encouraged aspiring lawyers to prioritize merit and effort in their journey.
The judges' conversation revolved around various aspects of building a successful legal career. Justice Kait shared his personal journey, recounting the challenges he faced, including English language comprehension difficulties and a lack of connections upon entering the field. He advised aspiring lawyers to proactively network by sharing business cards at every opportunity, maintaining consistent effort, and leveraging connections.
Justice Neena Bansal Krishna brought attention to the changing landscape for women in law. She highlighted the evolution from a scarcity of female lawyers and judges in the 90s to the present era of greater acceptance and inclusivity. Justice Krishna urged women to excel in multiple spheres of life – professional, personal, social, and marital – while pursuing their legal careers.
In conclusion, both justices underscored the significance of hard work, determination, and loyalty to mentors as essential ingredients for success in the legal profession. Their valuable insights provided a roadmap for first-generation lawyers to navigate the challenges and opportunities in the field.
The event left attendees inspired and motivated, offering a fresh perspective on the journey of legal professionals and reinforcing the importance of unwavering commitment to achieving one's goals.
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