Justice C S Sudha made permanent Judge of Kerala High Court

Justice C S Sudha made permanent Judge of Kerala High Court

The SC Collegium has confirmed Justice C S Sudha as the permanent Judge of the Kerala high Court.

The Collegium recoomandation read as under:-

The Collegium of the Supreme Court recommended the name of Smt Justice C S Sudha, Additional Judge, for appointment as Permanent
Judge of the High Court of Kerala in the following terms:

On 21 June 2023, the Collegium of the High Court of Kerala unanimously recommended the name of Smt Justice C S Sudha for appointment as permanent Judge of that High Court. The Chief Minister and the Governor of the State of Kerala have concurred in the above recommendation.

In terms of the Memorandum of Procedure, we have consulted Judges of the Supreme Court who are conversant with the functioning of the High Court of Kerala with a view to ascertain the suitability of the above-named Additional Judge for being appointed as permanent Judge.

A Committee of two judges of the Supreme Court constituted by the Chief Justice of India in terms of the Resolution dated 26 October 2017 of the Supreme Court Collegium has assessed the judgments of Smt Justice C S Sudha.

With a view to assess the merit and suitability of Smt Justice C S Sudha for appointment as permanent Judge, we have scrutinized and evaluated the material placed on record. Having taken into consideration all aspects of the matter, the Collegium is of the view that Smt Justice C S Sudha, Additional Judge, is fit and suitable for being appointed as permanent Judge.

In view of the above, the Collegium resolves to recommend that Smt Justice C S Sudha, Additional Judge, be appointed as permanent Judge of the High Court of Kerala against the existing vacancies.

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