Judicial Watch: SC steps in to safeguard fair elections

Judicial Watch: SC steps in to safeguard fair elections

Supreme Court has reiterated its long-standing stance of non-interference in electoral affairs while underscoring that this principle is not absolute. The apex court clarified that in cases involving unjust executive actions or attempts to disrupt the level playing field in elections, Constitutional Courts have not only the permission but the obligation to intervene, safeguarding the integrity of the electoral process.

This pivotal case centered around the allocation of the "plough" symbol to the Jammu and Kashmir National Conference (JKNC), vehemently contested by the Union Territory of Ladakh. The Supreme Court reprimanded the Ladakh Administration for its failure to comply with court orders, emphasizing its refusal to entertain authorities who seek judicial intervention only when it aligns with their interests.

The Court expressed apprehensions regarding the arbitrary exercise of election powers and stressed the imperative need for timely judicial oversight to thwart any attempts to undermine the democratic process. It dispelled the misconception that the mere passage of time could preclude rectifying election-related injustices, advocating for a more expansive interpretation of self-imposed constraints to ensure prompt justice delivery.

Moreover, the Court affirmed its authority to restore the status quo ante, effectively reversing any adverse consequences stemming from undue delays or systemic deficiencies. It emphatically conveyed that no litigant should question the Court's capacity to dispense justice, even when confronted with delays in the legal process.

Further reinforcing its stance, the Supreme Court underscored that High Courts possess jurisdiction, even at a foundational level, concerning electoral matters. Citing recent judgments, it asserted that the High Court, as a Constitutional Court, retains the capacity to issue directives under Article 226 of the Constitution, as long as such directives remain within the bounds of statutory provisions.

In summary, the Supreme Court's recent ruling reaffirms the principle of non-interference in electoral affairs while highlighting the exceptional scenarios necessitating judicial intervention. This ruling serves as a stark reminder of the pivotal role played by the judiciary in upholding the sanctity of the electoral process, ensuring equitable and transparent conduct of elections.

"Electoral Symbol Dispute: Ladakh vs. JKNC"

Click here to read/download Judgment

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