Judge went abroad with wife, had fun in 5 stars, got bill paid by stranger, lost his job forever

Judge went abroad with wife, had fun in 5 stars, got bill paid by stranger, lost his job forever

The last defense for a judge who went abroad and had fun with someone else's money was also closed by the Apex Court when the case was listed before it against the order of the Delhi High Court. The Supreme Court refused to interfere with the decision of the Delhi High Court. Judge Naveen Arora had appealed for justice by filing a petition which was listed before the bench of Justice Harikishan Roy and Justice Pankaj Mittal but the Supreme Court flatly refused to interfere with the High Court's decision.

Actually, Judge Naveen Arora of Delhi went on a foreign trip in 2016 with his wife. They had fun there. When they returned to India and resumed duty, he got stuck while giving the report to his senior (High Court). In the documents he submitted, there was a big mistake regarding the booking of the hotel. It was not known who paid the bill for the 5 star hotel which led to Inquiry into the matter. The Enquiry officer said in the report that the judge had taken a favor from a stranger.

The Delhi High Court dismissed Judge Naveen Arora from his job on the basis of the Enquiry report. The High Court said that the judge should always remember that he is a judge. Someone is judging them too. A judicial officer should always keep in mind that he should not take any favor from anyone and in this case it was apparent.

However, Judge Arora said in his defense before the High Court and also Supreme Court that the person who paid his hotel bill was an acquaintance of his brother. He said he had to repay the debt of the person who paid the hotel bill. The judge also said that he had tried to return the money while he was abroad, but the person paying the bill had said that he would take back all the money spent on his return.

The High Court said in its order that the judge himself admitted that he had taken a favor from a stranger. But he could not explain why he did this. This thing is enough to convict the judge. The High Court said that if action is not taken, a wrong message will be sent to the society at large.

Naveen Arora was represented by Sr. Advocate Vinay Garg and was assisted by Advocate on Record Arjun Singh Bhati.


Click here to Read the order

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