The Jharkhand High Court has given a big relief to the candidates who have passed the CTET and TET exams from other states.
The single-headed bench of Chief Justice of Jharkhand High Court Justice Sanjaya Kumar Mishra has directed the inclusion of the above candidates in the teacher appointment process.
However, the court has imposed a condition that if candidates who have passed the CTET and TET exams from other states are appointed to the post of teacher, they will have to pass the JETT exam within 3 years.
If the state government is not able to conduct the JET exam within 3 years, then they will be released from the above condition. The court also said that the state government should conduct TET examinations every year.
JET examination has not been conducted in the state since 2016, and the state government is issuing advertisements for the appointment of teachers, regarding which a petition was filed in the High Court saying that many candidates are being deprived of appearing for the appointment. On which the said order has been passed in the court.
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