On Tuesday, the Jharkhand High Court issued an order instructing both the National Investigative Agency (NIA) and the State government to provide a status update on the violent incidents that took place in Ranchi in June of the preceding year.
During the unrest in the state capital on June 10th of the previous year, two individuals lost their lives, and numerous others, including security personnel, sustained severe injuries. These violent protests were triggered by controversial remarks made by two suspended BJP spokespersons concerning Prophet Mohammad.
While presiding over a petition, a division bench composed of Chief Justice Sanjaya Kumar Mishra and Justice Ananda Sen has requested the report to be presented by the upcoming hearing scheduled for November 21st.
The investigation of this case is being carried out by the state police.
The Public Interest Litigation (PIL) was initiated by an individual named Pankaj Kumar Yadav, who is seeking the intervention of the National Investigative Agency (NIA) to investigate the matter.
Advocate A K Rashidi also submitted a similar request for a judicial investigation regarding the eruption of violence in the city. While the cases were being heard throughout the day, Rashidi also requested an opportunity to present his case before the high court.
The group of people assembled on Main Road reportedly threw stones at police officers, and in certain locations, individuals even fired shots at the law enforcement officials.
Previously, the court had noted that such behavior cannot be accepted, and those responsible for these actions should be held accountable.
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