Indians have great faith in Indian Judiciary System, said Supreme Court judge Justice Sanjay Karol

Indians have great faith in Indian Judiciary System, said Supreme Court judge Justice Sanjay Karol

On Saturday, Justice Sanjay Karol the judge of the Supreme Court of India emphasized the importance to acknowledge the ground reality for all the Citizens who are not able to fulfil their basic needs. He also mentioned that we need a wider perspective to solve this issue faced by most of the population of our nation.  

While attending the panel discussion on the topic Role of the Judiciary and the Rule of Law in Advancing Economic Development, held by the American Bar Association's International Law Section. Justice Karol mentioned that Citizens of our Nation have full faith in the judiciary system but there is also a need to make justice dispensation less urban-centric so that it reaches most of the population of our Nation. 

"People have great faith in the Indian justice system. We must also account for the greater part of the population which are the have-nots. Sitting here in Delhi, in this great environment, we cannot encompass the harsh ground reality and for the rule of law is about basic necessities,he said.

Prof C Raj Kumar, Vice-Chancellor of OP Jindal Global University, asked that the Ordinary Citizens of India have extraordinary faith and how does this have a direct impact on the judiciary dealing with matters which have social and economic ramifications so that they don't become unpopular?

To this reply, Justice Kumar mentioned about judiciary's independence and dedication to working for the welfare of the people in accordance with the Constitution of the new emerging India.

Further, he also discussed the condition of the Schools in Bihar and the struggles of the unorganized sector of India, 

"Take the unorganized sector which has truckers etc. No one thinks of them who transport goods from one place to another and they are the backbone of our economic development. We have to shift focus from being just urban-centric."


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