Husband was in jail, mother took loan by mortgaging 1-year-old girl, case reached Bombay High Court, judge's pain spilled over

Husband was in jail, mother took loan by mortgaging 1-year-old girl, case reached Bombay High Court, judge's pain spilled over

A one-year-old girl was sold for money by her mother. When the matter reached the Bombay High Court, the pain of the judge overflowed. He said that we are definitely living in the 21st century but even today the girl child is considered as an object. It is considered to be a money-raising thing.

Justice SM Modak of the Bombay High Court said in his remarks that after looking into the entire matter, he himself felt pain. This case brings shame to humanity. He said that the word sale itself is painful. But the other side of the coin is also that the woman's husband is in jail and she needed money for her survival. In such a situation, her condition can also be easily estimated. The court said that the woman who bought the child had done a shameful act to humanity. Can't accept it right by any tone.

The matter is very painful. The woman's husband was in jail. She had no money to support the family. She mortgaged her 1 year old baby girl. However, gradually she repaid her loan amount. However, the woman who had given the money refused to return the child to her mother. When the victim woman complained to the police, the woman who bought the child was arrested.

However, the lower court released the husband of the woman who bought the child and another person on bail. But refused to grant bail to the woman. The lower court said that this is a heinous crime. Therefore, the accused cannot be granted bail. After this matter reached to the Bombay High Court. The High Court agreed to grant bail to the accused woman, but the judge's pain overflowed during the hearing. The High Court granted bail to the accused on the ground that she too has two children. The court has to take care of them too. He said that the trial of the case would go on for a long time. Therefore, there is no point in keeping the accused woman imprisoned inside the jail.

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